Wanted... Dead Or Alive
That's how I roll right now. Working on my ZZ Top Beard.

Posted on July 23rd, 2015
Darn Tough Socks after 1300 miles
Luckily Darn Tough has the best warranty I ever saw. It says basically if you ever manage to get a hole in their socks, you will get a new pair for free. What means for the rest of your life you don't need to buy anymore hiking socks. I got my new pair in Mount Shasta. Amazing.

Posted on July 23rd, 2015
Reaching the PCT Midway point
On 09.07.2015 at 5:35pm after 75 days of hiking I reached the PCT midway point. The midway point is a bit off now because the PCT trail changed over the years.

Posted on July 18th, 2015
Real Bear Encounter
On mile 1292.80 I finally saw my first Bear. Unfortunately he ran so quick in the forest seeing me, that I didn't manage to get a pic or a video. He looked from behind more like a big dog. His fur was golden brown. I am very happy to see that the bears have fear about humans here.
Posted on July 18th, 2015